Client Love ♡

I have been blessed to connect with hundreds of clients in my work with the Akashic Records so far; from all locations and all walks of life. Below is a snapshot of some of their experiences. You can click below each testimony to read more.

Love, Ebony.

Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Carrie, US

“Thank you so much for this beautiful reading! You have shared with me so much valuable wisdom that I truly needed. One majorly exciting part was the message around me being a tree. I literally got that same message from the wind the day before and I thought I was a little crazy. Really? The wind is talking to me? But I saw everything you wrote about the oak-like tree, the ones that surround my home, I saw its trunk still and the leaves and branches bending. I heard these are the winds of change. And then I saw myself as the tree. My body, the trunk, the branches, my hair and I felt my own strength. So now you have given me the gift of trusting my messages further. Thank you so much. I am grateful for this reading and all the support it has provided me!”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Lara, US

“I am so grateful for you, and for finding you here on this path. I feel lightened by the reading, and more at peace offering readings. It feels like being welcomed home in some ways. That further clues/lessons are embedded in the readings of others. Overall, I feel loved, and at peace. Exactly where I need to be, doing the work that is right in front of me. Something deeper has shifted in me as well.  Like a deep remembering, and a reorienting, to something much larger than me. And an even deeper call to be of service. I feel grateful, and connected.”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Nicole, US

“Ebony!!!!! Wow wow wow. Thank you so much for your incredible reading. I know exactly who that woman is - my grandmother Dolores - and it was wonderful to feel her in your reading and to have her with me always. I also had the most incredible sensation run through my head - never felt before - like numbness, tingling in my scalp - as I read about my soul’s purpose. It all makes so much sense (you literally described me to the T), and truly a constant reminder for myself but even more validation in what I need to do and how I don’t want to feel that regret at the end of this life. will move forward living more in the present. You are truly gifted and blessed. Grateful to have gotten to know you through this experience. Will absolutely be doing this again down the road!”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Anna, Stockholm

“Wow, thank you soooo much for this beautiful reading. It is exactly what I receive in my own records (but doubted) so this feels so confirming and true. I love the way you channel and I feel so safe and loved with this reading. You are amazing and have such a beautiful gift, I’m so happy I followed my guidance to have a reading with you.”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Anonymous, US

“This was beyond beautiful. I was in tears the entire time, in a good way. This really helped to confirm a lot for me, but most importantly it brought the biggest sense of warmth to my soul. I felt so understood, heard and comforted. I feel as if I can move forward knowing I have so much support and love near me at all times. Thank you a million times over.”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Brooks, L.A

“Ebony is truly so gifted with her Akashic record readings. Her readings always make me feel so supported & connected. I feel so blessed that I found her! I highly recommend her to anyone looking to connect with their higher self - Ebony is gifted and we are all so fortunate she is willing to share her gifts! Her readings have been so instrumental to my transformation, they completely blow me away with their resonance, heart, and authenticity! She is helping me so so so much as I navigate my personal transformation and I can’t thank her enough!!!”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Astrogeography Testimony - Carolyn

"Ebony, This is brilliant!! Holy heck, I have never seen energy read like this. I have a basic understanding of astrology but this brings in a whole new level! Knowing this is so supportive in and of itself. Knowing how this lands illuminates my contrast and drives my North node..and how Saturn is at play! Such a huge exhale. That aspect hit so deeply, an old soul, learning things most learn later in life. It really gives me an appreciation for this part of the East coast where some parts of me are always dreaming of elsewhere. I'm going to keep diving into this reading, there's so much there. Thank you for taking the time and energy to bring all of this through!! You've translated it so fluidly and I see where I can take a pragmatic approach to balance other energies a bit more. Like the idea of highlighting Venus influence with pleasure or things that open and expand within Jupiter. Even more, combining all the lines of influence to discover the major themes of my life right many nuggets. Thank you so much, it's so beneficial and supportive right now, you are wonderful!!"

Carolyn also gifted an Astrogeography reading to her twin sister, Charlene - a beautiful gift to give!

"She loved it SO so much, it was so beautiful and unique to gift to her!! She was SO excited to see lines through Jackson and Yellowstone. So much of it spoke to her and she loved how practical and supportive the information is with where she is right now, blending energies together, adding in more sun."

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Carine, US

"Thank you again for sharing your gift! I had to take a moment to sit with this guidance as it resonated so deeply. The messages were spot on for where I am in my life. I feel so supported, and with the reassurance from these words, I'm ready to release any fear surrounding all the possibilities ahead of me.”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Mikaela, US

"Ebony! This was amazing thank you! I’m going to reread and really break it down more on my next day off, but wow this was everything I needed to hear right now… It really validated my feelings while opening me up to the possibility of being more open to other past lives… It was so amazing to be able to trust someone with this information and know by the tone and verbiage (and their little chuckles) that these are absolutely my guides.

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Jennifer, US

"I wanted to get back to you about my reading. You were right! There was sooo much metaphor, but once I read them over and over and let them ruminate, I see what they are saying and it is so relevant. This was an incredibly supportive and informative reading. It is giving me a lot of comfort getting validation that I am on the right track. It's kind of like a how-to, for my next steps, which I was getting panicky about. I go back and read it over and over and over because there is so much in there. As always, many, many thanks to you!!!”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Jennifer, Edmonton, Canada

"Thank you so much for channelling this message! I’ve been accessing the records the last few months through the Prayer of the New World and I have thought the messages are more from me than a higher self or higher vibration beings. I felt the message confirmed everything I have been receiving in the last few months!! But in a more detailed and eloquent way!! The message was beautiful and inspiring but also practical with the tips for integrating!"

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Billie, Phoenix, US.

My “main messages” reading was breathtaking. Ebony is a true channel for the Pinnacle. I received a beautiful pdf of lengthy in depth messages which I will keep with me forever. The messages I received were very accurate to me and my life. I told her, I feel so seen by the universe. It truly is such a gift to yourself. If you are someone who is usually wary of psychics or anxious of receiving messages, I suggest getting a reading from Ebony, it will change your perspective. My reading showered me with the deepest love and made me feel so clear and connected.

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Stephanie, US

Oh wow!! Thank you so much for the incredibly beautiful reading. It is totally life-changing! I hope I can find the right words to express how grateful I am and how much this reading touched me thank you thank you thank you for sharing this with me.

You and the Pinnacle have made me feel truly seen and understood for who I am, and I thank you more than you will ever know for that. Today I felt like my differences aren't failures, but gifts that I should share to uplift people. And today, for the first time, I felt a sigh of relief - that not only is it just okay to be myself - but that being myself is a good thing. This was like a hug for the soul.

I feel different today! I feel happy and inspired to think that the world actually needs me. I had always hidden my voice out of fear. But now I feel a privilege and duty to be a better person and to stop being afraid to be me. I have been using the mantra "I see through God's eyes,” and am feeling it!

Thank you for everything Ebony! I am so honoured that you and the Pinnacle shared your time and energy with me! It was healing! It was priceless; It was like getting a hug from an old friend that's telling you it will all be okay :) Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Laura, Aus

Tears of confirmation and recognition flowed. Every single sentence resonates and are so deeply personal that I have no doubt it’s exactly channelled for me. The opening line: “become a clear channel” are words I’ve written and messages I’ve been given from the start of this journey in regards to my diagnosis, reasons and benefits behind it.

How utterly beautiful are the lines, “knowledge is gained through the exploration of your shadow, …. Vibrancy is found in the emotions that live in the light. And yet, healing happens in the middle space.”

I love and resonate deeply with all the steps flowing forward. So much love in these words from the Pinnacle. Thank you for being the channel you are. I send you deep appreciation, love and joy that you are here in this world doing your work.

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Jenna, Aus

Oh-my-goodness.... THANKYOU so much for my reading – its so beautiful!

I took so much from it but there was a moment in there that they referenced butterflies and that reminds me of my nan who is passed and she is one of my guides. The second thing was they mentioned about ‘dropping pebbles in the ocean and the ripples affect others’ and on my website one of my sentences is ‘dropping pebbles that create ripples’ = MIND BLOWN. Also they spoke about creativity coming from my inner space and that has been written on my board for over a month; ‘connect to the void as that is where your creativity lies.’ So much in this is so relevant its not even funny – THANKYOU so much again for doing this work! 

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Anne, UK

Thank you so much, Ebony, for your inspired & inspiring reading. You were spot on about so many things and helped bring much clarity. Among many other things, you told me that my next step would be to journal, which is exactly the message I had received at an in-person reading and had been putting it off. The entire process was so enlightening and enjoyable, and I am so glad I found you. I would love to do another reading with you in a few years' time as it is so beautiful how we channel such complementary energies.

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Amanda, Chicago

Thank you so much for your reading! I found it to be so affirming of things I had been feeling or hearing over the past few months. When the Pinnacle said, "Who can you love, serve, nurture if you do not first love, serve and nurture yourself?" I remembered a journal entry I wrote a few months ago after an energetic download that said almost the exact same thing. The conclusion of that entry is, "No one in my life is going to be satisfied until I take responsibility for my satisfaction.”

The advice on being still and listening to my intuition also felt like a deep permission to give myself what I need. I'm a splenic projector and I am just now learning how to rest and listen. This reading confirmed so many things and helped me to realize I am on the right path!

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Katherine, US

Wow, Ebony thank you so much for this. It really delivered so much for me. This was so amazing to read and was so helpful to see what it brought up for me as well. It validated a lot of inklings and intuitional pings I had been receiving but to hear it from the pinnacle and so well spoken it was received very well. I feel like I have soooo much to say and tell you how every sentence activated a lot within me. The way that it came through with actionable ways but all involving myself and my higher self and intuition and connecting to the guidance it literally feels like exactly what I needed to hear and was delivered in a way that I understand and resonates.

This reading helped me so much I cannot explain. I am so grateful I found you and you provide this amazing service through yourself. I am beyond grateful. The way you delivered these messages is so aligned and received so so well.Thank you so so much. I’m so glad I found you and what you share with the world is so special. Thank you for sharing your light!!

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Anonymous, Toronto

I think this is a beautiful reading… the perspective I gained from this is exactly what I needed. It’s funny, some of the integration steps are things i already knew in the back of my mind, but for some reason felt stuck in making them a priority. I'm glad they came through in the reading for confirmation… this reading really put this debate to bad for me! Thanks again for this reading, and steps of integration. This feels really true to myself, and I can see my path a little more clearly now. I am so grateful for this guidance.

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Maria, Oslo, Norway

Thank you so much for the reading. It has been really helpful and supportive to me. Everything makes sense now and resonates with me. I feel by now that I know myself much better on a deeper level.

Knowing about my past was painful but I think it was absolutely necessary. My past life wounds are definitely presence in this lifetime and now I know why. I used to wonder because it wasn’t rational

It’s also lovely to know about my connections with my children on a soul level. I have always felt that I knew them. Funny that I’m being told that my youngest one (who was my mother in my previous life) is now in this life here to teach me patience. Actually I’ve known this since she was very young. It must been my intuition which told me. But it’s great to have it confirmed. The pieces are coming together in many ways.

I’m grateful for the action steps (on the last page). It helps me center myself, heal myself and grow. The mantra is like my anchor.

Thank you so much and I will definitely ask for your service again in the future.

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