Lara, US

“I am so grateful for you, and for finding you here on this path. Thank you so much for entering the records on my behalf. I feel lightened by the reading, and more at peace offering readings. So many things resonate: When the light changes, two months from now - I've been feeling that. That I am REMEMBERing things that I've long known. That the Pinnacle are loving, wise, playful guides, giving only what we can understand at any given time. That they "know" me, and that they have worked with me before.  It feels like being welcomed home in some ways. That further clues/lessons are embedded in the readings of others. Overall, I feel loved, and at peace. Exactly where I need to be, doing the work that is right in front of me. Something deeper has shifted in me as well.  Like a deep remembering, and a reorienting, to something much larger than me. And an even deeper call to be of service. I feel grateful, and connected.”


Carrie, US


Nicole, US