
the astrology of place

So, you probably know your Sun, Moon and Rising signs. Maybe you’ve even gone deep into your whole natal chart! But have you ever heard of Astrogeography?

First named Astrocartography by Jim Lewis in the 1970s, Astrogeography is the Astrology of location. It is the study of how planetary energies affect us as human beings in different locations around the world. It gives us so much insight into why locations affect us so deeply, & guides us as to how we can navigate the energies we’re swimming in. 

It involves looking at a map of the world with the planet's position as they were in the sky at the time of your birth. This enables us to predict the energy of a location, based on the planets (and their angles) close to that location! (Note: if you would like to check out your own Astrogeography chart online, you can head to’s free Astro click service! You can click here to access this website. While working with an Astrologer can be immensely valuable, I also believe that YOU have the ability to learn at your own pace. If you desire to do this your own way, you 100% can!).

To break it down: each of the planets cover’s a different theme/discipline in your life ↓

Sun: the self, identity, ego. A line for being seen and feeling comfortable, confident, happy and successful. A great place to live.

Moon: emotions, the subconscious world, feminine energy. A line of emotional sensitivity and nurturing. The energy to mother yourself and others. A great place to parent.

Mercury: communication and intellect. A line for expression and inspiration. A great place to write a book or pursue intellectual endeavours.

Venus: love, beauty, romance, style/design. A line to develop meaningful relationships. A great place to find lasting partnerships.

Mars: passion, drive, masculine energy. An energising line that can express somewhat aggressively at times. A great place to visit, a catalyst for taking action!

Jupiter: abundance, expansion, prosperity, joy. A line of positivity, blessings, and overall success. A great place for just about everything!

Saturn: challenge, structure, responsibility, learning. A line of difficult yet expansive lessons that thrusts you to grow and embody self-discipline. Over longer periods, Saturn lines can be stressful, but are amazing to bring order into your life. A great place to study.

Uranus: surprise, rebellion, eccentricity. A line of change and often, upheaval, which can make you feel a bit scattered. Teenage rebel energy. A great place to experience new, exciting change and growth in your life. 

Neptune: spirituality, the dream world/imagination, creativity, depth. A line of dreamy, mystical energy. The mirror of this is delusion and confusion that can make it hard to see things clearly. A great place to visit to connect to your spiritual self. 

Pluto: transformation and rebirth. A line of shadows rising to the surface for personal growth and healing. I think of Pluto as ‘the Tower’ tarot card. A burning down of the old to make way for the new; phoenix rising from the ashes energy. A great place to visit. 

Chiron: deep healing. A line of self-healing that spreads out to the collective, Chiron gives insight as to your purpose by bringing to the surface your own wounds in which you hold healing powers to support others. Great place to visit for, you guessed it, healing! 

North Node: fate, destiny, purpose. A line that feels like coming home. A great place to experience past life connections and remember your soul purpose. 

Astrogeographically, each of the planets has four angles (the IC, MC, AC and DC), that gives us so much additional information regarding how that planetary energy will be expressed for you↓

The Ascendant (AC): The angle of the Ascendant (also known as the rising sign) represents how we greet the world and express ourselves. It is the embodiment of our outward personality. You’ll likely feel very connected to the energy of whichever planet was closest to your ascendant when you were born (this becomes your rising sign). When you’re near an AC line, your personality takes on the energies of that planet. For example, your Sun AC line supports you to feel more confident and let yourself be seen. 

The Descendant (DC): The descendant is all about our relationships and what we attract physically and emotionally. In these locations, we recognise and can be attracted to the qualities of this planet in others. The effect will be to experience our own internal qualities, externally. For example, your Jupiter DC line is a powerful line to meet people whose energy brings you great abundance, expansion and joy. This is because they will reflect to you that which already lives within you.

The Imum Coeli (IC): The IC angle embodies your innermost self; your home, your foundations, and your sense of security. It is associated with how our past and our roots influence our identity. Here a planet will influence you at your very core. The qualities of the planet may be most visible in your closest personal relationships, and will be qualities that you find extremely comforting. For example, a Neptune IC line allows you to experience spiritual connection at the deepest level. 

The Medium Coeli/Midheaven (MC): The MC is connected to your social life and career. It’s the distant impression others have of you before they meet you. MC lines assimilate the qualities of a planet into your work and public profile. For example, your Mars MC line provides you with energy that you can harness to achieve your career goals.

So, let's say that you know you're living on a more challenging line, like a Saturn or Mars line; this isn’t a ‘bad’ thing. These lines bring you energy that is divine; it is all for your highest good. A more challenging line gives you the opportunity to expand and grow, & it can be balanced with complementary energies. You can spend holidays in calmer energetic locations, or bring more Sun, Jupiter, or Venus energy into your life through music, food, media, the list goes on! These bring the energy of those lines into your life and allow you to travel energetically, without moving physically. For example; say you have a Sun line in California. You can watch TV shows that are set in that location to harness that energy.

Note: your unique energies at each location will never change, just as your natal astrology chart never changes; it is unique to you! Though the planets are always moving and therefore impacting us based on our Earthly location, these natal planetary influences remain consistent and strong throughout our entire lifetime.

Each planet gives us the overarching energy of a location

Its angle gives more detail about how the energy will play out for us

In my Astrogeography written readings for clients, I break down each planetary energy into its overarching theme: e.g. the Sun becomes the theme of happiness and success, Neptune becomes spirituality, and the North Node becomes soul purpose. I then discuss each angle’s (AC, MC, DC, IC) influence on the energy of that planet, and list your worldwide locations underneath the appropriate headings. Depending on your choice of reading, I may also read the energy of specific locations of your choosing and discuss this with you in your PDF. You are then able to refer to specific themes that you desire to tap into, & know the locations worldwide that hold this energy most potently for you. The energies remain the same throughout your life, so this PDF becomes a resource you can turn to again and again to better understand the energies you’re swimming in, and how you can flow with them with greater ease and awareness.

To learn more about my Astrogeography offerings or reading process, click here!

Are you feeling ready to dive into this other-worldly wisdom?! Learn more below ↓

Client feedback ♡

‘This is fantastic. It explains so very much for me. Now I understand why when I lived in New York I felt so unsettled! Where I am now feels so much lighter. This helps so much!’

— Anon, US

'Many thanks, Ebony, It's so fascinating and I am still taking in all the information shared. The lines I chose had many locations come up that really surprised me, many of which I have travelled to and experienced deep transformation whilst there. The moon line locations (family/karmic ties/past lives) blew my mind, with multiple locations coming up where I know I have ancestral connections… So grateful for this new layer of understanding.’

— Clare, New Zealand

‘I love this!!! I’ve been soaking it all in and having lots of realisations already. Makes so much sense. So grateful for this resource.’

— Sophie, UK