Client Love ♡

I have been blessed to connect with hundreds of clients in my work with the Akashic Records so far; from all locations and all walks of life. Below is a snapshot of some of their experiences. You can click below each testimony to read more.

Love, Ebony.

Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Heather, US

“Ebony’s Akashic Record reading has supported me in a multitude of different ways. I’m honestly in awe at her talent and just how spot on everything she channeled was. Literally every single sentence of the reading resonated with my soul so deeply, it’s still difficult for me to wrap my head around. Being from complete opposite ends of the world and never meeting each other prior to this, there were things that came through about me and my life that there was absolutely no possible way for her to know. She accurately described fears and struggles of mine that I battle in this lifetime, and recalled past lives from which these stem from. She confirmed a lot for me that I already knew but had doubted or questioned, things that I feel are extremely important for me to realize, accept, embrace and work through. She gave me a confidence boost that I needed and helped inspire me to more fully step into my purpose and pursue my hopes and dreams. I also felt the energy healing portion of the reading was extremely powerful and accurate as well, and has helped bring about healing and balance that my soul has been needing for quite a long time. I couldn’t be more grateful for Ebony and this reading, and am eagerly looking forward to booking another one with her! I highly recommend giving yourself this incredible gift, for that’s exactly what I feel her readings are, an especially important and supportive gift to be treasured and cherished! From the bottom of my heart I thank you Ebony for sharing your beautiful soul with others in this way! ♡ Again, thank you so unbelievably much Ebony for this incredible reading! I'm eternally grateful for you taking the time to connect with my soul in this way! I want everyone to know just how talented, magical and powerful you truly are! I've definitely been spreading the word myself and sharing this incredible experience I had with you! I immensely look forward to working with you again love! Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your gifts with others in this way!”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Cat, US

“My Akashic reading with Ebony came at the exact time when I needed it. I was reminded of who I truly am and what I need to honor myself. I already knew this, but I needed to hear it again and again.”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Cathy N, US

“Thanks so so much for your readings. I have been digesting the Akashic reading and the energy healing so far, and they have been so inspiring and supportive!! … I loved the message to "follow the winds of change" because they lead to my soul's deepest desires. I've been receiving messages similar to this: "follow your desires/joy because they will lead to your gifts/purpose and aligned path." Those were just a couple examples of the deep resonance, and there is SO much more beautiful guidance in this reading. I look forward to letting it all simmer! Thank you for the love and guidance and delivery of these potent messages.”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Gina’s Akashic past life activation

“I want to write to you and tell you an amazing story. You did an akashic record reading for me on July 16th 2022. 

Over the past year, I have been compelled to write poetry, particularly in the month of December. I don’t usually write poetry, its not my thing. Last December (2022) I was sick with the flu and my two young sons as well. In our fevers we all seemed to find cracks in our normal reality and had moments of inspired thinking. I started dreaming in poetry and it has stayed with me (on and off) to this December. The other night as I was writing, I felt so strongly Emily Dickinson’s spirit, one of the greatest American poets. I felt she was with me, perhaps remembering a past life. I remembered we have the same birthday, December 10. I had recently just celebrated mine. About a week later I am drawn to revisit past astrology, human design, and akashic readings that Ive had over the years because I felt there would be important information for me to understand more clearly now. I read your reading. You spoke of a past life when my name was Elizabeth, my father Samuel was a progressive man who respected me and my gifts tremendously and protected me during a time when that was highly unusual for women to be so esteemed and resourced. I was from a prominent family and lived in a beautiful, well-appointed mansion….” click to keep reading Gina’s story!

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Steph N, US

“Your reading was so incredibly beautiful, thank you again for your kindness and for the beautiful reading. It was like a hug to my soul. I am so grateful for you and all you do, you are the reader and healer I trust the most, and I'm just so grateful you are here!! The Chakra reading and healing was one of the most incredible things about the reading...I am so amazed by your gifts and I learned so much from the Chakra reading!! I am going to book another reading tonight after work; thank you so much Ebony .  I am so grateful to get to work with you!”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Aimee, US

“Thank you so much for the Healing and the Akashic Records Reading. It ALL resonates so deeply with me!... Mother Mary has stepped up as one of my three major guides when I channel - so interesting, and helpful that she came through for the healing of my Throat Chakra. I have been speaking my truth more and more fully lately and it is so painful to see the reactions of the receiver. I am learning to release any expectations of results in response to speaking my truth. It is uplifting to hear that you could feel my third eye pulsing. I have been feeling and acting on ALL the messages in the Akashic Records Reading - thank you, it is so affirming. I greatly appreciate that you are willing to share your gift with the world. Bless you. I feel your love. Know that you make a HUGE difference in this world.”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Liz, US

“Thank you so much for the beautiful reading. The day my reading was scheduled I meditated, sent out intentions for the reading and pulled some cards – I got a snake card. I’ve also had quite a few snake sightings this year and I don’t live somewhere that there are always snakes arounds. I’ve been joking with my husband for a couple months that I have “snake-y energy” so I guess this message has been here even before the reading. I’ve understood what my gifts are for a long time. And I’ve even felt that I’ve understood what I’m here to transform in this lifetime. But what has been just at the tip of my grasp or at the edge of my awareness is to understand my purpose in relation to my life’s work – or what am I here to contribute to the greater community of humanity. What’s the end result of my efforts for the people I work with? Those sorts of questions have been harder for me to be crystal clear about. Your reading gave me a few more pieces of the puzzle and has been very helpful for my contemplations. I feel like I have all the pieces now, and just spending time reflecting, thinking, writing, will help me put it all together. Deep gratitude for your gifts and your generous spirit to offer your channel.”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Rachel, US

“It’s going to be hard for me to express with words my deep gratitude for this Akashic Records Reading, but I will try! This reading is so beautiful. It’s truly such a wonderful gift for my soul. I have read it several times and I gain something new from it each time I read it. I have never had my Akashic Records read before, and I am honored that you did my first reading. I feel like the Pinnacle has seen me on a soul level and that they truly understand me, and it is so validating. I am so grateful for the unconditional love that I feel from them, and I appreciate your reading because that unconditional love came through so strongly from your words. I feel like this reading has sparked a new light within me. Thank you so very much, Ebony.”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Emily, Canada

“I’m profoundly grateful for this moving, beautiful and supportive reading. WOW!! I’ve been called to have a reading with you for a long time and I’m so so very happy I finally followed my messages.  The method you use to capture this profound message has enabled me to return to in over and over, taking deeper and deeper meaning each time.  Outside of being gifted light language when I was younger, I’ve NEVER had such a profound and moving experience as this reading provided. It’s validated what’s been there all along, just under the surface and has sparked a deep awakening and excitement for what’s to come You have an exceptional gift!! I look forward to connecting again in the future.”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Lori, US

“Thank you so much for this. It was very moving. I felt a great sense of relief hearing what my friends had to say. Several things mentioned were so specific to me + what’s going on right now. It was also very refreshing to have a spiritual session that DIDN’T say I was a wounded healer and needed to help others by being a therapist, coach, intuitive, etc. I feel so at ease having not been told that for the 10th time, but having been told instead something that actually resonates for me and makes me feel good. Thanks, too, for telling me what you were experiencing as you channeled. When I watched your video on the A Line Within site, I felt an immediate connection to you, and I’m so very grateful for your sensitive, beautiful work.”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Roxanne, US

“Thank you, thank you, thank you for channeling this very loving, beautiful, powerful message for me from the Pinnacle! Like WOW, I received so much information from this reading than I can ever imagine! But I believe it is very divinely guided and the timing could not be more perfect! It deeply resonates. I would like to share with you, during the date and time of the reading... like 10minutes before the reading schedule ends... I woke up. (The reading was 3:00-4:00AM my time). And I went to our balcony as I love to observe the planets in the night sky if I happen to wake up before sunrise. The sky was very clear, I could see all the visible planets...most importantly I saw the Pleiades, which I did not expect to see!!! At that moment, I knew that the reading was going to be full of love and support because when I saw the Pleiades, I felt that the Pinnacle's energy was hugging me. I received so much love that time just like this message. The action steps / alignment tips will be very helpful for me to navigate this information and energy!”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Nicky, Johannesburg

“Thank you so much. Such a powerful, in tune and insightful reading – I truly felt the love and the beauty in it. This resonates so much with the intuitive messages and signs I have been receiving, as well as my journey over the last 4 years.”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Anon, US

“Thank you so much. This was beyond beautiful. I wanted to personally reach out and let you know how much I appreciate you doing this and giving this gift to others and myself. I was in tears the entire time, in a good way. This really helped to confirm a lot for me, but most importantly it brought the biggest sense of warmth to my soul. I felt so understood, heard and comforted. I feel as if I can move forward with knowing I have so much support and love near me at all times. Thank you a million times over.”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Gabrielle Elizabeth, NZ - Astrogeography Testimony

“I purchased an in-depth Astrogeography Chart Reading from Ebony and it’s safe to say I’m blown away at the depth and detail she provided. I haven’t come across anyone else who is willing to dedicate their time to read the full chart, which is exactly what I was looking for. Ebony delivered 51 pages of guidance and insight in a clear, easy to understand way and has given me an incredible resource I’m sure I’ll use and refer back to for the rest of my life.

The way she was able to break down and explain what each of the lines meant and share how each of the locations carry different themes is nothing short of incredible. It was so interesting seeing places that I thought would come up appear on certain lines, while also having many that threw me for a complete curveball. I’ve loved noticing how the different locational influences are showing up more and more in my life since I received my chart and opening my eyes to paths I hadn’t previously considered. Ebony has truly found her gift and is exceptional at what she does! I wholeheartedly recommend an her as a highly skilled Astrogeographer!”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Ben Wood - Astrogeography Testimony

"Ebony is a pure channel and absolute light! I had a message to book an Astrogeography reading with her and I’m so glad I followed through. The pdf she sent is 55 pages!! Every time I read it, I learn something new. It’s opened me up to so many ways of looking at my past and charting my path ahead. I was born on my Chiron MC and boy have I ever felt that!! But being able to understand the energetics of it has given way to deep, transformative healing! There were many places in the world that I’d never thought of but were there in my reading, and it’s probably in meditating on those places that I’ve learned most about myself. One of the more interesting ones are places with a historically nomadic culture - and this idea of a nomad resonates as such a powerful image for me in this stage of my life. I’m incredibly grateful for Ebony and that she shares her gifts with us in this way. Thank you, Ebony!!”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Cathy N, US - Astrogeography Testimonial

“I am just beginning to dissect the Astrogeography reading. There is so much rich information in the reading, and it is a field that I am completely new to! I suspect I will be learning and referring to it for years to come!! Hawaii (especially Big Island) has been such a prominent guiding force in my life since I can remember. Your reading has helped me understand why I've always felt this way. I just finally made the move to Oahu (bless!), and in the future I envision being on the Big Island :) Thank you for the love and guidance and delivery of these potent messages.”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Ashley Wood of Alnwithin

“Ebony is so talented, she is so gifted and so talented in the Akashic Records as a reader, as a channel. I highly recommend her for readings because my readings with her blew me away. An example as to why in amongst all of the incredible pieces of information that were included, I was encouraged to return to nature, to really, really ground myself in nature. When I received the reading from her, I really needed that. I needed to slow down. I needed to go back to nature. I really, really needed that guidance. 

She is the only person who has ever read my Akashic Records before. It was deeply powerful and so helpful for me at that time when I received it. It really did realign me and help me find my path again, because at that moment the Records were a little quiet for me. Energetically, I was exhausted and I needed someone to read for me for the first time ever. I was grateful that my Highest Self guided me to Ebony. I know exactly why. We have had past lives together, her and I both share more in our conversations so you can hear that.

Not just for the accuracy of your information, like down to the way you describe things actually would happen like a couple of days after. It was incredible. She bent time and I mentioned this on the podcast too, Ebony channels through automatic writing so she sent me my reading at 4:44 my time, which she didn't know because Ebony is in Australia. It was so powerful. My energy has since changed and shifted quite a bit.”

Click here to check out my episode with Ashley on the Line Podcast where we talk about her Akashic reading experience!

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Anonymous, US

“Immediately, when I read that the Pinnacle said "this is a space of grace", I felt such relief! I found myself crying and laughing at the same time while reading, and already a weight is being lifted! In a way, The Pinnacle gave me permission to be more at ease, not trying to "do more" to heal. I think the most remarkable and profound message for me was "you are never to blame for the difficulties you face". I am eternally grateful for the work you do and the gift that you shared with me. It is an incredible encouragement to me during a challenging time!”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Melissa, US

“Wow! Thank you so much! This emailed reading literally reached me in the most divine timing. Minutes before I received your email, I sat down to channel for myself, The messages are eerily similar. I am not surprised at all, and this of course gives me so much validation on my own inner knowings/ channelings/ “permission” to evolve and change my mind and fit many roles in my lifetime. Again, thank you SO much.”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Nicki, US

“Thank you so much. Such a powerful, in-tune and insightful reading – I truly felt the love and the beauty in it. This resonates so much with the intuitive messages and signs I have been receiving, as well as my journey over the last 4 years, but was wondering when the next steps would flow – but it is clearly surrender, rest and go within!”

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