Ben Wood - Astrogeography Testimony

"Ebony is a pure channel and absolute light! I had a message to book an Astrogeography reading with her and I’m so glad I followed through. The pdf she sent is 55 pages!! Every time I read it, I learn something new. It’s opened me up to so many ways of looking at my past and charting my path ahead. I was born on my Chiron MC and boy have I ever felt that!! But being able to understand the energetics of it has given way to deep, transformative healing! There were many places in the world that I’d never thought of but were there in my reading, and it’s probably in meditating on those places that I’ve learned most about myself. One of the more interesting ones are places with a historically nomadic culture - and this idea of a nomad resonates as such a powerful image for me in this stage of my life. I’m incredibly grateful for Ebony and that she shares her gifts with us in this way. Thank you, Ebony!!”


Gabrielle Elizabeth, NZ - Astrogeography Testimony


Cathy N, US - Astrogeography Testimonial