SCAM ALERT - Please be aware that I am often impersonated on IG via multiple scam accounts. Please report and block all accounts you see or are directly contacted by. @yoursoulshome is my only biz Instagram. ALL of my bookings must be made through this website. I will never cold DM or elicit any kind of reading xxxx

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are a metaphysical library that exists in the Akashic (‘ether’) plane. They are often referred to as “The Book of Life.” They are not a physical place or object, as much as I wish they were!

When I enter the records, I connect with a group of Pleiadian light beings known as The Pinnacle, or the Highest Point.

Much like a non-physical library or archive, we can enter the Akashic Records to access our entire soul history. Everything that your soul has ever thought, felt, or been through, is here for you to tap into.

The Records is like a database of what’s happening in all the Universes that co-exist together. The rules of time don’t really apply here. Think of time here as a circle, with no end and no beginning. Information from hundreds or thousands of years ago is as accessible to us as though it happened yesterday.

In this space, we can connect to our past lives, as well as to our ancestors, and these can be intertwined. By this, I just mean that it is common for humans to have lived in the ‘past’ as one of their ancestors.

In essence, the Akashic Records allow us to receive guidance and direction, as well as answers to our soul’s deepest questions. As they exist in the highest vibration of love, they will always give us exactly what we need to hear in the most peaceful, loving way.

They allow us to reconnect to our authentic truth and our soul purpose, so we can take our power back and move through our lives in abundant alignment! They bring peace and comfort to all who access them, and allow us to remember that inner knowing: that everything is OK and just as it should be.

My Reading Process

I first discovered the Akashic Records through the incredible soul that is Ashley from A Line Within. I followed my intuitive calling to learn to read the Records with Ashley. Opening the Records for the first time, I knew in my heart that my life would never be the same. I had reawakened a part of myself that I was always meant to share with others.

I choose to do this work because I love being able to communicate these soul-deep messages to everyone who finds me for this purpose. Bringing you guidance, greater clarity, comfort, and healing, is something I am so honoured to do. 

My readings help you reconnect to YOU. To your soul, your heart space, your wisdom. 

There are many ways to channel the Akashic Records, but my strongest connection is through automatic writing. I often receive feedback that my clients love being able to come back to their readings again and again, very often finding deeper messages that perhaps did not resonate at first read. I share a lot of information initially, & it can be a lot to take in! A reading may provide you with specific guidance or a ritual to practice to assist in your healing, for example, from a past life trauma, but it is your choice to only take what resonates in the now! Looking back through a reading PDF to see if any new insights present themselves as energy shifts & you move forward in your life can be super helpful! Sometimes certain messages take time to sink in and have a more personal meaning to you. It is truly incredible how messages unfold and play out in our physical reality.

I access your Akashic Records via meditation and The Prayer of the New World©, first channelled by Ashley Wood. I channel the information from The Pinnacle, the Pleiadian energy I connect to, as well as your spirit guides, loved ones, ancestors, and beings of light. I work with Selenite and clear quartz crystals while channelling each reading. Your reading will usually arrive in your inbox the day of your allocated time slot. However, my official turnaround time is 1-3 business days.

I also have a blog post where I’ve answered your most commonly asked questions about the Akashic Records and my written readings. Click here to read the blog!

‘It was like my soul was lovingly mirrored back to me in unexpected yet familiar ways.’

“Ebony's words truly resonated with me and brought so many tears of joy. I wasn’t sure what to expect, as this was my first Akashic Records reading, but I am now a true believer.  It was like my soul was lovingly mirrored back to me in unexpected yet familiar ways.  I highly recommend a reading with Ebony—her non-judgemental words were affirming messages that I was meant to hear.”

- Joanne, New York, USA

Who do I connect with in the Akashic Records?

The Pinnacle (the Pleiadian energy that I channel) are the light beings that I personally connect with most strongly. However, they are not the only ones that can bring you guidance in the Akashic Records! In a Reading, you can think of the Pinnacle as the head of the table. They decide who will sit at the table with them and join in the conversation. Your spirit guides, angels and past life loved ones, as well as loved ones who have passed over in this life, may come through. Please note that though loved ones that have passed in your current lifetime can and do come through, but this is secondary to the focus in an Akashic reading, which is YOUR soul history.

Please note: I do not class myself as a medium. Akashic readings are very different experiences from medium/psychic readings, and should NOT be entered into with the intention of receiving intensely specific guidance or with the belief that you yourself do not need to take action on what comes through. Within your Akashic Record, you can receive very specific past life information, because, in terms of where you are at present, you have already lived that timeframe (in a linear sense). The ‘future’ of your current lifetime, at this moment in linear time, has not yet happened. This means that a reading in which we focus on questions to do with your future can not bypass your free will. You will not be told what you should do/or where you should go, nor given yes/no answers. You will be guided onto your aligned path and given steps to live in a way that feels purposeful, not told how to achieve this in a fuss-free way! You will be given guidance that requires you to take the steps to grow and expand.

I myself am a conduit for this guidance, & I share what I receive, regardless of any personal expectations you may have. If difficult emotions arise post-reading, this is a call to look deeper within. The Pinnacle will not share information that is not for your highest good; & your guidance is YOUR guidance. It is always specific to YOU, regardless of how it is interpreted. I share this so that the Records can be seen a little more clearly for what they truly offer; they are a tool for your growth & soul exploration, not a way to bypass difficulties on your way to a finish line that does not exist.

‘My reading was breathtaking. Ebony is a true channel for the Pinnacle… I told her, I feel so seen by the universe… My reading showered me with the deepest love and made me feel so clear and connected.’

My “main messages” reading was breathtaking. Ebony is a true channel for the Pinnacle. I received a beautiful PDF of lengthy in-depth messages which I will keep with me forever. The messages I received were very accurate to me and my life. I told her, I feel so seen by the universe. It truly is such a gift to yourself. If you are someone who is usually wary of psychics or anxious about receiving messages, I suggest getting a reading from Ebony, it will change your perspective. My reading showered me with the deepest love and made me feel so clear and connected.

- Billie, Phoenix, USA.

What to ask in an Akashic reading?

When it comes to knowing what to ask the Records, the themes are endless! I usually receive questions around relationships/love, spirituality, career/business, creativity, & limiting beliefs or recurring patterns. 

Questions that you may wish to ask:
-What is my purpose in my life right now?
-How can I grow my spiritual/intuitive gifts?
-What lesson/s am I working through in this lifetime?
-Why do I have this fear of … and how can I move through it?

Note: if you select to have a ‘main messages’ reading, the question I channel for you is, ‘what do I need to know right now?’ Be aware that I cannot know any specificity that you desire to receive through such a reading without first being informed of it. You must ask a question if you have specific areas/topics you desire guidance on!

For an even more in-depth explanation of what to ask, please click to read my blog post on this here!

It is a privilege for me to channel this guidance for you. I take this work very seriously, as I'm not only requesting consent to be in your energy, but I'm also working with your Higher Self and your guides, and any other Light Being that wants to come through for you.

Are you feeling ready to reconnect with yourself and experience soul-deep healing? Click below to explore my Akashic offerings ♡

Akashic client experiences… scroll down to read through



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