My Astrogeography offerings & how they can support you

Did you know that you are actually able to find out which planetary energy/energies are present for you, in every single Earthy location? That right now, you’re swimming in a particular cocktail of energies that have huge influence in your everyday life? And that you have the ability to not only feel these unique energies when you physically visit a location, but can also draw them into your daily life to tap into any vibration you’re desiring to cultivate? Enter: Astrogeography!

You have a completely unique Astrogeo chart that, that not only stays with you throughout your entire lifetime, but also contributes to the energy you exude on a daily basis. The line you’re born on is an integral part of your personality, for life. For example, I’m born on a Uranus line, which means that I am here to make waves and live my life authentically.

Astrogeography is an incredible way to explore and deepen your understanding of the planets and how you personally relate to them. It offers such powerful insight and clarity into decisions about your career, relationships, travel, big moves, and so much more. Astrogeography contributes to our understanding of why we are called to certain locations, why we feel the way we feel, and how we can work with the energy of whichever line we may find ourselves under, as well as how we can balance and add to this energy ♡

There is such a resonance that happens when we see how a line matches up with how that location feels to us. It is such a supportive & transformational system of Soul awareness.

My readings are about supporting you to decode, at first glance, a very overwhelming system, into a bespoke resource that you have for life. Your PDF allows you to tap these energies immediately, as well have a very solid springboard into further self-discovery/self-study.

Please note: if you would like to check out your own Astrogeography chart online, you can head to’s free Astro click service! You can click here to access this website. While I believe that working with an Astrologer or having a personal reading can be immensely supportive, I also believe that YOU have the ability to learn at your own pace. It is all up to you. If you desire to do this your own way, know that you 100% can! It is very much like learning a new language; while some people prefer to go at their own pace and use the app Duolingo, or listen to language podcasts etc, others prefer to go to in-person classes or work with a tutor. Each way has its own benefits!

Current offerings

Please note: all Astrogeography readings include a 15-page ‘Intro to Astrogeography’ booklet within your personalised PDF!

This includes; a breakdown of what Astrogeography actually is, an in-depth discussion of energy planet/asteroid/node’s energy/themes, a detailed explanation of the four angles, how to channel and balance planetary energy, as well as how to work with both Astrology & Astrogeography in your daily life (with both simple and more complex ways to do so being discussed).

The ‘Bespoke Astrogeography’ written reading - for those with questions!

In this offering, you can ask me two questions about your Astrogeography chart!

Example questions:

  • ‘What energy am I swimming in X location?'

  • 'What places are the most supportive for me in terms of love/work/healing etc?'

  • 'Why does X location call to me?'

NOTE: when booking, please feel free to email me about your questions! We can choose them together based on your curiosities! You can also select to add on extra questions for $44 AUD when booking (via the drop-down box). If so, ensure you send all your questions through, either at time of booking, or via email if you’d like to discuss pre-reading (I do recommend emailing as it allows us to choose the best questions for you!)

The ‘Intro to Astrogeography’ written reading - for those curious

In this offering, you select option 1, 2, OR 3.

Option 1) I read your chart and discuss in-depth the energy of 4 worldwide locations of your choosing. You can choose any locations you desire to know the energy of! Note: it is best not to be overly broad. For example; when looking at the USA, it would be best to select a state, such as California, as opposed to the whole west coast! There are many lines with many energies, so it is best to hone in where you can. You could also ask me to hone in on San Fransisco for example, or any other specific location. We can zoom right in to see the specific energy of smaller areas if you desire. It is best to be much more niche than broad!

Option 2) I collate lines for you depending on what YOU would like to explore! You select the themes you would like deciphered for you when booking. These themes may include; happiness/success, soul purpose, & love/relationships. Essentially, each theme matches up with a planet (or a node/asteroid in the case of Chiron + the North Node!). I then study your personal Astrogeography map, locate the lines that carry the energy of your chosen theme/s, & note down all the Earthy locations most influenced by that energy! For example: say that you select love/relationships, which is Venusian energy. I locate your 4 Venus lines (each angle, MC/IC/AC/DC, has its own line and energy), & note down the places along these lines for you under these four angle headings. These are the places that naturally embody the most magical, loving energy that you can experience astrologically! Knowing these locations means that you can not only pick one or two to visit, but also channel their energy in your everyday life to draw in more of this loving energy (this is all discussed in-depth in your PDF).

Option 3) you select a mix of both! For example: you can select 2 locations & 2 themes, 1 location & 3 themes etc.

NOTE: if you select the themes of ‘healing’ and/or ‘purpose’ (the Chiron + North Node themes), I include an Astrology reading of your personal Chiron and/or North Node sign. This is to provide you with additional insight on your personal areas for healing and soul purpose in this lifetime. For example, a Chiron line is not simply a line that brings you closer to healing through supporting you in uncovering your sacred ‘wounds,’ but embodies your personal Chiron energy. For example: being on your Chiron line if it is in Virgo would be very different from if it was in Leo! (The same applies to your North node).

The ‘deep-dive Astrogeography’ written reading - your full chart reading

This offering is an in-depth Astrogeography chart reading. Each of the 12 planetary/asteroid/nodal energies we focus on are explored for you! These are separated into 4 further categories (four categories, one for each of the four angles). You will find 48 individual sections in this document. This is because not all four of your Sun lines have the same energy - the energy changes depending on the angle. A Sun MC line will carry different energy from a Sun AC, DC and IC line! This is where it can get tricky; hence why I have created these personalised resources.

The 12 themes explored are: happiness/success, family/emotional connection, communication, love/relationships, passion/action, abundance/expansion, study/self-discipline, surprise/change, spirituality, rebirth/growth, healing & purpose.

In addition, all deep dive offerings include an Astrology reading of your Chiron and North Node sign & house.This is to provide you with additional insight on your personal areas for healing and soul purpose in this lifetime. As shared about in the above offering, a Chiron line is not simply a line that brings you closer to healing through supporting you in uncovering your sacred ‘wounds,’ but embodies your personal Chiron energy. For example: being on your Chiron line if it is in Virgo would be very different from if it was in Leo. (The same applies to your North node). This is why I have included this for you; it simply didn’t make sense to not include it!

Bundle offerings ♡

I have two bundle offerings that combine both Astrogeography and Akashic Records readings, for those curious to explore both. I have an introductory bundle & a deep dive bundle to select from. Head to my booking page for further infomation on these bundles, or click here to find more about the transformative power of the Akashic Records ♾️

Please note: no map is included in either reading. I read your map & discuss your unique, ever-present energies, compiling them into your unique PDF document for ease of comprehension.

Testimonial from Carolyn

"Ebony, This is brilliant!! Holy heck, I have never seen energy read like this. I have a basic understanding of astrology but this brings in a whole new level! Knowing this is so supportive in and of itself. Knowing how this lands illuminates my contrast and drives my North node..and how Saturn is at play! Such a huge exhale. That aspect hit so deeply, an old soul, learning things most learn later in life. It really gives me an appreciation for this part of the East coast where some parts of me are always dreaming of elsewhere. I'm going to keep diving into this reading, there's so much there. Thank you for taking the time and energy to bring all of this through!! You've translated it so fluidly and I see where I can take a pragmatic approach to balance other energies a bit more. Like the idea of highlighting Venus influence with pleasure or things that open and expand within Jupiter. Even more, combining all the lines of influence to discover the major themes of my life right many nuggets. Thank you so much, it's so beneficial and supportive right now, you are wonderful!!"

Carolyn also gifted an Astrogeography reading to her twin sister, Charlene - a beautiful gift to give!

"She loved it SO so much, it was so beautiful and unique to gift to her!! She was SO excited to see lines through Jackson and Yellowstone. So much of it spoke to her and she loved how practical and supportive the information is with where she is right now, and blending energies together.”

Do you feel called to begin exploring your Earthly Astrological energies? - click below to do so! (You can also click here to further explore how Astrogeography can support you).