What you need to know before you book!

Connecting to the Akashic Records is connecting to the highest vibrational point in the Akashic (‘ether’) realm. Here, your soul history, in all its complexity, can be opened and read in the same way a book in a library can be. The Records are a wonderful tool to help you gain clarity around any pressing questions you have, as well as to receive guidance on your life purpose. They are incredible for helping you understand your soul’s history, and to gain a glimpse into your past lives!

Have a read through the information linked below to ensure you understand my process (very important) & that when booking you select questions that will provide you with the most guidance!

‘What are the Akashic Records’ tab to read about my process (who I specifically channel etc and important disclaimers).

The Akashic Records FAQ tab for commonly asked questions.

↪Read through my ‘what question should I ask?’ blog post to ensure the questions that you choose allow the most guidance to come through for you. How, what and why questions are the best to ask, while you should stick away from when, should, and ‘yes/no’ questions. The Akashic Records will never tell you what to do; your gift of free will means that you can change the course of your life at any time.

Release all fear around this process; the Pinnacle will only bring forward information that your soul is ready to hear. Remember: you are unique, so your experience with your reading will be unique! Whether everything instantly resonates and brings up a lot of emotion for you OR it takes a while for some of your messages to make sense or ring true; it’s all divine timing. Trust. You receive what you need, and this is a lesson in itself.

To book your Akashic reading, click here!