Heather, US

“Ebony’s Akashic Record reading has supported me in a multitude of different ways. I’m honestly in awe at her talent and just how spot on everything she channeled was. Literally every single sentence of the reading resonated with my soul so deeply, it’s still difficult for me to wrap my head around. Being from complete opposite ends of the world and never meeting each other prior to this, there were things that came through about me and my life that there was absolutely no possible way for her to know. She accurately described fears and struggles of mine that I battle in this lifetime, and recalled past lives from which these stem from. She confirmed a lot for me that I already knew but had doubted or questioned, things that I feel are extremely important for me to realize, accept, embrace and work through. She gave me a confidence boost that I needed and helped inspire me to more fully step into my purpose and pursue my hopes and dreams. I also felt the energy healing portion of the reading was extremely powerful and accurate as well, and has helped bring about healing and balance that my soul has been needing for quite a long time. I couldn’t be more grateful for Ebony and this reading, and am eagerly looking forward to booking another one with her! I highly recommend giving yourself this incredible gift, for that’s exactly what I feel her readings are, an especially important and supportive gift to be treasured and cherished! From the bottom of my heart I thank you Ebony for sharing your beautiful soul with others in this way! ♡ Again, thank you so unbelievably much Ebony for this incredible reading! I'm eternally grateful for you taking the time to connect with my soul in this way! I want everyone to know just how talented, magical and powerful you truly are! I've definitely been spreading the word myself and sharing this incredible experience I had with you! I immensely look forward to working with you again love! Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your gifts with others in this way!”


Cat, US