Ashley Wood of Alnwithin

“Ebony is so talented, she is so gifted and so talented in the Akashic Records as a reader, as a channel. I highly recommend her for readings because my readings with her blew me away. An example as to why in amongst all of the incredible pieces of information that were included, I was encouraged to return to nature, to really, really ground myself in nature. When I received the reading from her, I really needed that. I needed to slow down. I needed to go back to nature. I really, really needed that guidance. 

She is the only person who has ever read my Akashic Records before. It was deeply powerful and so helpful for me at that time when I received it. It really did realign me and help me find my path again, because at that moment the Records were a little quiet for me. Energetically, I was exhausted and I needed someone to read for me for the first time ever. I was grateful that my Highest Self guided me to Ebony. I know exactly why. We have had past lives together, her and I both share more in our conversations so you can hear that.

Not just for the accuracy of your information, like down to the way you describe things actually would happen like a couple of days after. It was incredible. She bent time and I mentioned this on the podcast too, Ebony channels through automatic writing so she sent me my reading at 4:44 my time, which she didn't know because Ebony is in Australia.

One of the things she wrote in her reading, or the Pinnacle channelled through her was that I was going to be picking up shells with Baboo. We were going to be walking near water and picking up shells. I thought, "What is she talking about? I have no idea what she's talking about." Then a couple of days later in the morning, I felt like I just want to take some space for myself. I just want to ground and go sit by the river. I had never sat on the river bank before. I had only gone on the river when it was frozen. Last summer I had not sat on the river bank. It was a new experience for me, and when I went down and sat on the riverbank, I looked around me and there were shells. I had no idea that there were shellfish in our river but there are freshwater mussels. There were shells all around me. I picked them up and then I brought them home and showed Baboo and asked her if she wanted to go down and pick up shells with me. So here I am picking up shells. I had no idea that I was going to be doing that. Then what I learned through the experience and the messages that I received, it was so powerful. That's just one little example of what I received from my reading with Ebony. My energy has since changed and shifted quite a bit.”

Click here to check out my episode with Ashley on the Line Podcast where we talk about her Akashic reading experience!


Cathy N, US - Astrogeography Testimonial


Anonymous, US