Aimee, US

“Thank you so much for the Healing and the Akashic Records Reading. It ALL resonates so deeply with me!... Mother Mary has stepped up as one of my three major guides when I channel - so interesting, and helpful that she came through for the healing of my Throat Chakra. I have been speaking my truth more and more fully lately and it is so painful to see the reactions of the receiver. I am learning to release any expectations of results in response to speaking my truth. It is uplifting to hear that you could feel my third eye pulsing. I have been feeling and acting on ALL the messages in the Akashic Records Reading - thank you, it is so affirming. I greatly appreciate that you are willing to share your gift with the world. Bless you. I feel your love. Know that you make a HUGE difference in this world.”


Steph N, US


Liz, US