Laura, Aus

“Tears of confirmation and recognition flowed. Every single sentence resonates and are so deeply personal that I have no doubt it’s exactly channeled for me. The opening line: “become a clear channel” are words I’ve written and messages I’ve been given from the start of this journey is regards to my diagnosis, reasons and benefits behind it. I’ve learnt so much about how to do this through food, water, energetics, movement, meditation etc. I was already on this path of growth but the “astronomical growth that comes when we must pass through the eye of the storm” is incredible and unfolding. I’m grateful for the opportunity this has created to step back from my life and take all this time to experience living in this middle space.

How utterly beautiful are the lines, “knowledge is gained through the exploration of your shadow, …. Vibrancy is found in the emotions that live in the light. And yet, healing happens in the middle space.”

I’ve also journaled about how the earth and I heal side by side and know this part of my souls mission that I accepted. I look forward to all the news ways I will merge with her.

I love and resonate deeply with all the steps flowing forward. They are all on my radar but good to hone into these as I most likely would have put pressure on myself and tested my energy by giving more than is suitable just now.

So much love in these words from the Pinnacle. Thank you for being the channel you are and for committing to all your personal practices that are a necessary part of this. I send you deep appreciation, love and joy that you are here in this world doing your work.”


Stephanie, US


Jenna, Aus