Stephanie, US

“Oh wow!! Thank you so much for the incredibly beautiful reading. It is totally life-changing!

I hope I can find the right words to express how grateful I am and how much this reading touched me thank you thank you thank you for sharing this with me...

I have felt so different and so isolated for so long, and have always felt bad about myself for not fitting in with the world, I'd spent so much time trying to fit in with the world around me, but feeling like a failure for never succeeding. You and the Pinnacle have made me feel truly seen and understood for who I am, and I thank you more than you will ever know for that. Today I felt like my differences aren't failures, but gifts that I should share to uplift people. And today, for the first time, I felt a sigh of relief - that not only is it just okay to be myself - but that being myself is a good thing. This was like a hug for the soul.

I feel different today! I feel happy and inspired to think that the world actually needs me. I had always hidden my voice out of fear. But now I feel a privilege and duty to be a better person and to stop being afraid to be me. I have been using the mantra "I see through God's eyes,” and am feeling it!

Thank you for everything Ebony! I am so honoured that you and the Pinnacle shared your time and energy with me! It was healing! It was priceless; It was like getting a hug from an old friend that's telling you it will all be okay :) It was also a wake-up call that it's very important to do my best and be my best in this world. I will go forward every day thinking about those "ripple effects, " knowing that no kind deed is ever wasted, and feeling very committed to helping with the New World Vision!

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!”


Billie, Phoenix, US.


Laura, Aus