Client Love ♡

I have been blessed to connect with hundreds of clients in my work with the Akashic Records so far; from all locations and all walks of life. Below is a snapshot of some of their experiences. You can click below each testimony to read more.

Love, Ebony.

Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Erica C, US

Thank you so much for sharing such beautiful wisdom. There were points that really struck a string me and I absolutely love the actionable steps! I feel so nourished, held, and in the stream of divine love when I read it. Thank you for sharing your time, energy and gift.

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Susie, Adelaide

Thank you SO much!! What a beautiful gift you have and I’m so grateful for your time and support. This has been so comforting to read and process.

I’ve been journaling all morning! I had been holding back for fear of complaining/expressing too much negativity and manifesting more into my life, instead of letting it all out onto paper and trusting that this process was healing for me. I was so confused about this and this was the clarity I needed.

… Ahhh what a breath of fresh air! I feel so excited to express my feelings more deeply and trust all is well and will be.

Thank you again for this tremendous support. You are an angel. Sending so much love and gratitude to you!

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Mélodie, France

Thank you so much for this reading and the beautiful PDF! I was so excited to receive it :) The messages focus on how to access and trust my inner knowing, which is something I have definitely been battling with … During a meditation, I once felt like it was ego to seek clarity or information on my soul’s history or my soul’s contracts because I wasn’t being in the present and I was looking for some sort of validation. So, it is actually really reassuring to know I can actually be curious and I’m allowed to access it. The final check-list (action steps) shows my Higher Self really knows me and how I process things I especially loved what it says about water and how it helps to shift energy. Thank you again!

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Jessica, US

Ebony! This was such a beautiful reading. It was healing and deeply insightful and affirming for me. Thank you!! There are certain phrases you used that I have been hearing on repeat lately when I’m in my records (like, remember your power) and the theme of love and trust has been everywhere for me the past few weeks! I am so intrigued by the Lyran origin. I do feel like I’ve lived many lives and what you channeled really felt true for me :) It was so reassuring that I am on the right path. I feel that, but it’s always nice to get confirmation. Thank you again for sharing your gift - this has been pivotal for me and my path!!

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Andrea, Vancouver

Thank you so much for sharing this reading with me. The love I felt in the message brought tears to my eyes. This is certainly a message I need to hear and I will take some time to keep coming back to it and digesting it further.

The action steps are also so tuned into how I know that I thrive. I’ve put these habits by the wayside recently and can tell my energy is off as a result. So, thank you and the pinnacle so much for the necessary reminder.

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Carolyn, US

Wow that was beautiful and brilliant!! Life-giving. Thank you SO so much for bringing that through! It was absolutely everything I needed, and channeled so lovingly. I can tell how clear and full in spirit you are. I'm so exited to begin my own service reading the records and feel so lifted and guided with this message! Thank you.

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Ulrica, UK

Thank you for the reading. It was so supportive, full of wisdom and full of love. My life seems to make so much sense now. The Pinnacle had also answered something which I didn't expect (consciously) at all! I was asked before what'd happen if I speak up against someone and even though I knew it was silly and irrational, I answered I was afraid that physical violence would be inflicted on me. This could be what happened in my past life even though the Pinnacle didn't share it in details. It is very affirming and encouraging to know the steps to take and what I can work on to move forward. I go back to the reading every morning and when I fall back to a fearful pattern to remind myself that it's safe. It also makes me want to connect with the akashic realm, the Pinnacle! Thank you once again for your gift and for the reading. I really appreciate it.

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Lisa, Sweden

Thank you so much for a beautiful reading. I have been reading it over and over since you sent it and am still in awe of how spot on the guidance is. It feels so wonderful and comforting to be seen, and I appreciate the practical tips as well. The description of my way with words and dancing with the energy of others completely reflects my occupation as a freelance copywriter and communications consultant. This reading is also serving as confirmation that I am indeed connected to my higher self and picking up on the guidance that wants to reach me via my environment and daily interactions. The theme of the reading, of seeking balance and honouring both the masculine and feminine energies, is extremely familiar to me.

I was also deeply touched by this line: "To trust yourself deeper and deeper, you must allow yourself to be the you that you exude to others in your quietest moments. You must remind yourself of your worthiness when no one is around to be switched ‘on’ for."

Nobody really knows about my darker side. I have, indeed, been living these contrasts of lighting up for others but diving deep into the shadows when I am alone. I never considered it before, that I can shine that same light I create for others on myself.

Thank you for sharing your incredible gift of connecting with the Records.

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick


Thank you so much for the reading!!! I feel so seen. The messages are definitely ones I have been receiving myself, but to see so many of them reiterated in this reading, well, it practically brought me to tears. A sense of relief, a boost of self-confidence, and a huge feeling of comfort and support. I plan to come back to the words frequently as I work through prompts you provided. I am so grateful - you have a gift for this work, and I am happy that I was able to connect with you this week. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Amanda, US

Wow, Ebony! This is remarkable. I resonated with this so much and just had a good cry for feeling so seen. I have seen 2 "intuitives" before and both mentioned being a "healer" to me (this blows my mind!). Their advice to first BE HEALED  in order to figure some of this out is really helpful and lovely and it's also like DAMNIT haha. I absolutely do have a childlike energy and just a deep, deep love and curiosity for life so it was SO special to me to have that seen <3. I feel a lot of resistance to going "inward" at certain times. I get locked into old patterns that don't serve me, but feel safe. You may have named a big reason why that is with some past life knowledge! Thank you so much this was so beautiful.

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Cat, Perth, AUS

I wanted to say you gave me the most beautiful reading. Some things were SPOT ON. I knew as soon as you said a man had come through that it was my dad because he’s come in my dreams and in the floorboards (!) and he sends the exact sign I ask for, when I ask (generally). Some beautiful and spot-on points were made and I definitely felt the love and connection and wonder and awe of this magical word we live in through YOUR WORK. I love your work; you are very talented and a very lovely sense of calmness and softness came from your work Thank you, I am so honoured you read for me. I’ll come back for a second and longer reading now that I understand the process!

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Ashley K, US

My reading was just wonderful, it was like being snuggled in a warm blanket of honey. The message was so loving and supportive. I enjoyed having it communicated through written word as apposed to a zoom session. The words were like transmissions and I’m so incredibly grateful and honoured.

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Chloe, Sydney, AUS.

Wow, what a beautiful reading. It felt like they were really speaking to me, it was so calming and reassuring to read. I didn’t know what to expect out of an Akashic records reading, but it was truly a beautiful and reaffirming experience receiving these messages filled with love from the Pinnacle through Ebony. It was exactly what I needed to hear to push me further towards my true sense of self and I am seeing my gifts and the world around me more clearly and with more light.

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Sherri, USA

My reading with Ebony was a gift from my step-daughter for Christmas. Little did I know how powerful my Akashic Records Reading would be. I chose to ask only two questions and request the Main Messages. To say that I was profoundly moved by the Main Messages doesn't begin to describe how much it resonated with me and how extremely powerful it was and still is. I HIGHLY recommend getting the Main Messages. The answers to my two questions lifted the roadblocks to my spiritual journey by giving me the insight I needed about myself and past lives. I will be eternally grateful to not only my step-daughter but Ebony as well for this incredibly gift.

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Kiara, Melbourne.

Ebony is such a truly gifted and intuitive soul and I know now why I was so drawn to her. My Akashic record reading literally left me speechless and in awe. I didn’t realise it was even possible to get this type of guidance and am so grateful to Ebony for her work. She gave me answers I didn’t know I needed, and has awakened a part of my self that needs reconnecting to. My reading was priceless and I highly recommend giving it a go if you need guidance in life or simply just feel a pull and “don’t know why”. I look forward to more readings in future - thank you so much.

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Katarina, Slovakia

I did my first Akashic reading with Ebony and it was everything and more I hoped for. It resonated deeply with me. I was hoping and afraid at the same time that I would receive past life information but that was the most exciting part. I received so much love and guidance on my most pressing questions. It gave me insight on how to heal and move on. Thank you for all that you do.

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Patti, US.

I was at such a loss for words this morning. It all resonated so much with me, every word. I felt such a shift this morning after I read through it a few times. It felt so aligned with what you shared and the messages I feel that I am receiving daily. I am so grateful and I appreciate this so much! I am truly grateful for you and the work you do. You have been a huge support for me and I consider you a part of my "team." Your work has meant so much to me this past year, and I can't express that enough.

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Christina, USA

This was my first Akashic Records reading, so I was a bit nervous. I didn’t know what to expect, or what would come through for me, but I knew I needed some answers. Needless to say, I was very blown away by my reading. I started to cry and shake when I read the answer to my first question, because I just knew there was reason behind why I was feeling the way I did. I know it may seem scary and skeptical, but I will say this, if you are even here on this page reading testimonies, do a reading. You are here for a reason. Trust and love yourself enough to know that it is okay to be afraid, but it is no accident you are here.

I have since my first reading with Ebony, booked another reading with her, which was just as detailed and beautiful, and even have booked my third! When the timing feels right, or you feel called to know more about something, ACT on it. Trust me. Sometimes it may be the reassurance you need of what you already know, but on a much deeper level. Ebony is also so amazing with answering any questions and concerns that you may have as well, so do not be afraid to reach out to her! Thank you so much Ebony, you have a wonderful gift. I am so incredibly grateful that I found you!

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Charlotte, Paris

I feel such calm and certainty after Ebony's reading! I'm glad I trusted my intuition (even though I know close to nothing about the Akashic records!) and know that I would be guided. I resonated with the words, and was so pleasantly surprised to receive the reading report so quickly! I definitely recommend turning to Ebony's gifts to anyone who needs a bit of guidance, motivation, soul enlightenment and reassurance. My reading is a very useful tool that I keep coming back to on a regular basis to assist me with personal decisions and getting out of funks. Definitely incredibly worth it!

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Alison, California.

Wow, thank you so much for the beautiful reading. I really need this. It brought me to tears and gave my soul so much comfort. I’m going to read it again and again. You have a gift, I’m so grateful I found you. Thank you!

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