Client Love ♡

I have been blessed to connect with hundreds of clients in my work with the Akashic Records so far; from all locations and all walks of life. Below is a snapshot of some of their experiences. You can click below each testimony to read more.

Love, Ebony.

Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Jess, USA.

I have been meaning to write you about my reading, I have spent the last week trying to find the words! However, I still haven’t found them! I cried the first time I read it, it is so accurate. It’s funny because I felt I already knew almost everything that came through. I guess I needed the reassurance that it was a real message and not just my human mind conjuring up some “truth”. So truly, thank you for the validation. I still am processing everything, I’m a very slow processor haha but I am forever grateful for your reading.

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Vivien, Germany.

“I received your Akashic records reading last week and it blew my mind… I think I read it 25 times and still find something new resonating with me everytime. Before even starting to read it, you talked about feeling yourself move counter-clockwise while meditating and how this is a sign of recalibration. I've been experiencing the same thing.

I asked about my professional path and I was blown away when you talked about seeing me surrounded by souls, children in the space between worlds. I am a midwife and this completely blew me away. Everything you said felt validating and connected so many puzzle pieces I had floating around my mind for so long. I felt understood and motivated to learn more.

Thank you so much for this special experience and for giving me an introduction to the realm of the Akashic records. Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift!”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Aija, Germany

Hi sister! I’m so touched and emotional, I have read the reading over and over many times and it feels like I’m speaking with family. So many things make sense. It all blows my mind so so much. Funny enough I had a dream the night before the reading that I was in the Records! The reading is definitely life changing, I have been thinking about it the whole day. It’s so much to take in but there is definitely this feeling of belonging that I definitely needed and I also feel encouraged to scratch that itch, perfectly put! It’s exactly how it feels, I have been drawn this the whole life and it has come and gone but I always return and go a step further and once you do, there is no way back.

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Rhiannon, NZ.

Wow, thank you for this. The messages feel reassuring and loving, like I'm being understood and empathised with. Like I've been heard, even though i gave no details in my questions that I asked. Since you mentioned about how strong your third eye felt, it's also seemed to give me permission to accept that 'seeing' side of myself more than i ever have. And it's been amazing what messages have come through since just doing that small shift.

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Kayla, Ontario Ca.

This just confirmed everything I’ve felt within me. Literally everything you’ve said I’ve seen. This is a confirmation that I need to trust myself more. I can’t begin to express my gratitude. I’m living a life of alignment. I can feel it and I’m so so so grateful it reconnected us. 

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Diana, Aus.

I don’t even know how to put into words what you’ve channeled but it was really amazing! The messages were just re-affirming and really loving. The advice was so good about my creativity and how to let that shine through again! Really interesting what you said about my voice being shunned in a past life because the fear I have in expressing it in this life is visceral. Like I just can’t get over it. Thanks so much again for a beautiful reading! 

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Tulsi, UK.

My reading was way beyond what I was expecting but yet the answers to my questions weren’t far off from what I already knew! It was incredible how Ebony was able to channel all this information and convey it to me so beautifully. Each answer were explained so well and in detail. There were lots of things for me to feel reflect on to help me grow in my journey. I felt so reassured, protected and great after reading. I would highly recommend a reading with Ebony and would definitely get a reading done again in the near future!

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Allison, Ontario Ca.

“Ebony, I am BLOWN AWAY. Basically, this reading blew open my mind. It’s actually encouraged me to practice with the records much more. I am grateful for your time and energy put into this! Very, very grateful. Thank you!

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Ashley, Minnesota, USA.

“I’m so freaking floored by the messages you shared with me! I feel like you really reflected back some things that I've been struggling with, and you helped me understand why I have those certain fears and stories. It makes so much sense! You also totally nailed things that are going on in my life right now without knowing anything about me. Seriously, there were moments where my jaw dropped and I'd shake my head in disbelief thinking, "What the... how the heck does she know that!?" I'm grateful for how clearly you communicated the action steps I need to take in order to get into alignment with my soul. I'm super grateful for the experience, for your energy, and for the way you crafted and delivered exactly what I needed to hear. Thank YOU!

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Jo-Anne, New York USA.

“I have so much gratitude for my reading with Ebony. Her words truly resonated with me and brought so many tears of joy. I wasn’t sure what to expect, as this was my first Akashic records reading, but I am now a true believer. It was like my soul was lovingly mirrored back to me in unexpected yet familiar ways. I highly recommend a reading with Ebony—her non-judgemental words were affirming messages that I was meant to hear.”

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Ebony Broderick Ebony Broderick

Megan, Toronto Ca.

Thank you for your beautiful Akashic Records reading. It definitely resonated and confirmed several things that have been on my mind. I know that I am capable and now is the time to rise and be of service, so thank you for channeling and confirming. I feel such a deep sense of gratitude for your beautiful messages, thank you!

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