Vivien, Germany.

“I received your Akashic records reading last week and it blew my mind… I think I read it 25 times and still find something new resonating with me every time. Before even starting to read it, you talked about feeling yourself move counter-clockwise while meditating and how this is a sign of recalibration. I've been experiencing the same thing and was wondering about that. I also see lightning in my third eye every time I meditate. So I felt the connection right away.

I asked about my professional path and I was blown away when you talked about seeing me surrounded by souls, children in the space between worlds. I am a midwife and this completely blew me away. Everything you said felt validating and connected so many puzzle pieces I had floating around my mind for so long. I felt understood and motivated to learn more.

Thank you so much for this special experience and for giving me an introduction to the realm of the Akashic records. I started taking Ashley Wood's course on how to read the Akashic records and channelled my first message last night. I feel so inspired and energised. Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift!

Oh and I forgot... when we had our appointment due to time differences, it was 4am here. I woke up at 4:00 and 4:40 exactly. So fascinating.”


Jess, USA.


Aija, Germany