Mélodie, France

“Thank you so much for this reading and the beautiful PDF! I was so excited to receive it :) I love that the message starts with the spider image. I feel very connected to this totem because it stands for creativity and as the web carries all our (past) lives, it is indeed our biggest creation. The messages focus on how to access and trust my inner knowing, which is something I have definitely been battling with … During a meditation, I once felt like it was ego to seek clarity or information on my soul’s history or my soul’s contracts because I wasn’t being in the present and I was looking for some sort of validation. So, it is actually really reassuring to know I can actually be curious and I’m allowed to access it. The final check-list (action steps) shows my Higher Self really knows me and how I process things I especially loved what it says about water and how it helps to shift energy. Thank you again!”


Susie, Adelaide


Jessica, US