Susie, Adelaide

“Thank you SO much!! What a beautiful gift you have and I’m so grateful for your time and support. This has been so comforting to read and process.

I’ve been journaling all morning! I had been holding back for fear of complaining/expressing too much negativity and manifesting more into my life, instead of letting it all out onto paper and trusting that this process was healing for me. I was so confused about this and this was the clarity I needed.

I also was confused about what was my ego and what was my inner self speaking, not knowing if my ego was holding me back... but it really was my inner self wanting to slow down and be at home

I had stopped doing yoga, even though I loved it, as I wasn’t healing, and was worried yoga was putting more stress on my body because I kept receiving messages I had to rest more. Now I hear clearly that the yoga is so good for my soul and being still doesn’t mean not doing any form of exercise. It’s all about the mind. Ahhh what a breath of fresh air! And I naturally started dancing last week and feeling the music in my body, so comforting to hear my intuition was onto it.

I feel so excited to express my feelings more deeply and trust all is well and will be.

Thank you again for this tremendous support. You are an angel. Sending so much love and gratitude to you!”


Erica C, US


Mélodie, France