Cat, Perth, AUS

“I wanted to say you gave me the most beautiful reading. Some things were SPOT ON. I knew as soon as you said a man had come through that it was my dad because he’s come in my dreams and in the floorboards (!) and he sends the exact sign I ask for, when I ask (generally). I've learnt to not ask ALL the time, haha. I also feel pressure on my forehead a lot (third eye, unveiling etc that you talk about) although I am yet to link why I get it (but I feel it’s a message that I’m on track). I am also very bilateral - when I meditate, the right side of me is open, expansive, light; and the left side is closed, dark and heavy. I get all my physical ailments on my left side. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM! So, of course, that’s my feminine side that’s dark and needs work on and I agree and you pointed that out. Cool. Some beautiful and spot-on points were made and I definitely felt the love and connection and wonder and awe of this magical word we live in through YOUR WORK. I love your work; you are very talented and a very lovely sense of calmness and softness came from your work. Thank you, I am so honoured you read for me. I’ll come back for a second and longer reading now that I understand the process!”


Amanda, US


Ashley K, US