Amanda, US

“Wow, Ebony! This is remarkable. I resonated with this so much and just had a good cry for feeling so seen. I have seen 2 "intuitives" before and both mentioned being a "healer" to me (this blows my mind!). I am DEFINITELY at such a crossroads with career right now and am desperately trying to figure out what else I can do/offer that will feel more true and liberating, what skills to cultivate, what makes me happy etc…I don't know what being a healer could mean for me yet but it’s so nice to hear. Their advice to first BE HEALED  in order to figure some of this out is really helpful and lovely and it's also like DAMNIT haha. I absolutely do have childlike energy and just a deep, deep love and curiosity for life so it was SO special to me to have that seen <3. I feel a lot of resistance to going "inward" at certain times. I get locked into old patterns that don't serve me, but feel safe. You may have named a big reason why that is with some past life knowledge! Thank you so much this was so beautiful.”




Cat, Perth, AUS