Patti, US.

Patti’s first reading: ‘I was at such a loss for words this morning. It all resonated so much with me, every word. I felt such a shift this morning after I read through it a few times. It felt so aligned with what you shared and the messages I feel that I am receiving daily. I am so grateful and I appreciate this so much!’

Patti’s further readings: ‘Wow, such beautiful messages! I am sort of still digesting it all, but again is always soooo aligned and exactly what I needed to hear. I feel the main message really hit me (like WHOA) in how I am feeling and just really affirms the messages I am personally receiving. The records have such a gentle, kind way of giving that push to express myself and feel held and safe. I am truly grateful for you and the work you do. You have been a huge support for me and I consider you a part of my "team." Your work has meant so much to me this past year, and I can't express that enough.’


Katarina, Slovakia


Christina, USA