Lisa, Sweden

“Thank you so much for a beautiful reading. I have been reading it over and over since you sent it and am still in awe of how spot on the guidance is. It feels so wonderful and comforting to be seen, and I appreciate the practical tips as well. The description of my way with words and dancing with the energy of others completely reflects my occupation as a freelance copywriter and communications consultant. This reading is also serving as confirmation that I am indeed connected to my higher self and picking up on the guidance that wants to reach me via my environment and daily interactions. The theme of the reading, of seeking balance and honouring both the masculine and feminine energies, is extremely familiar to me and reflects many conversations I’ve been having with others over the past months. 

I was also deeply touched by this line:

‘To trust yourself deeper and deeper, you must allow yourself to be the you that you exude to others in your quietest moments. You must remind yourself of your worthiness when no one is around to be switched ‘on’ for.’

Nobody really knows about my darker side. I have, indeed, been living these contrasts of lighting up for others but diving deep into the shadows when I am alone. I never considered it before, that I can shine that same light I create for others on myself.

Thank you for sharing your incredible gift of connecting with the Records.”


Ulrica, UK
