Jennifer, US

"I wanted to get back to you about my reading. You were right! There was sooo much metaphor, but once I read them over and over and let them ruminate, I see what they are saying and it is so relevant. This was an incredibly supportive and informative reading. It is giving me a lot of comfort getting validation that I am on the right track. It's kind of like a how-to, for my next steps, which I was getting panicky about. I go back and read it over and over and over because there is so much in there. As always, many, many thanks to you!!!”

“Wow.  I managed to get myself stuck again and this... this is soooooo helpful, SUCH amazing guidance and sooo needed.  BIG lessons learned during this little detour and I cannot put a price on how needed and grateful I am for these words at this time. I am so relieved and know where to turn and head. I think :) Aw man, as always, sending so so so much gratitude for sharing your incredible gift with me. I feel like you are one of the angels in my life.  Thank you so much Ebony!  I’ll be back!”


Mikaela, US


Jennifer, Edmonton, Canada