Mikaela, US

"Ebony! This was amazing thank you! I’m going to reread and really break it down more on my next day off, but wow this was everything I needed to hear right now. I didn’t expect the fear of seeing to come up but that has been a major thing in my life since I was little for numerous reasons. I’ve always known that I can ask to not see certain things, but I always felt like I was doing something wrong by editing it down and to get the confirmation that its okay for me to go at my own pace was so reassuring

As far as past lives go, I’ve always (up until recently) had the mindset of “well if we were supposed to know about them we’d remember them.” Lately, I’ve been learning a lot about how fears can be based in other lives and I wasn’t sure how to tackle it. It makes a lot of sense that the lifetime where the fear they mentioned here massively impacted me but I’m not supposed to know more than that- it really validated my feelings while opening me up to the possibility of being more open to other past lives (just not that particular one right now).

There’s so many things that this brought up, but above all else it was so amazing to be able to trust someone with this information and know by the tone and verbiage (and their little chuckles) that these are absolutely my guides. I appreciate all that you do and I’m sending you all the love and light.”


Carine, US


Jennifer, US