Maria, Oslo, Norway

“Thank you so much for the reading. It has been really helpful and supportive to me. Everything makes sense now and resonates with me. I feel by now that I know myself much better on a deeper level.

Knowing about my past was painful but I think it was absolutely necessary. My past life wounds are definitely presence in this lifetime and now I know why. I used to wonder because it wasn’t rational.

It’s also lovely to know about my connections with my children on a soul level. I have always felt that I knew them. Funny that I’m being told that my youngest one (who was my mother in my previous life) is now in this life here to teach me patience. Actually I’ve known this since she was very young. It must been my intuition which told me. But it’s great to have it confirmed. The pieces are coming together in many ways.

I’m grateful for the action steps (on the last page). It helps me centre myself, heal myself and grow. The mantra is like my anchor. Thank you so much and I will definitely ask for your service again in the future.”


Anonymous, Toronto


Erica C, US