Preparing for an Akashic Records Reading - What should I ask?!

Preparing for an Akashic reading is very simple: all that I require is your full legal name and your chosen questions. Your questions are the driver of your reading, so it is important you think about the following factors when selecting them:

  • Your reading is about you. We are accessing your Records, so your question/s (1 question via alnwithin, or multiple questions if you select a bundle option) must address you and you alone. We are all curious about certain people in our lives, but answers can not and will not be given when they are directly addressing someone other than you. Their consent in this situation is not given. If you want to ask a question involving someone else, make sure you ask it from your point of view. For example, ‘why have they come into my life? How can I support them? How can I help improve our relationship?’ etc.

  • Stay away from ‘should’ questions. Should questions generally only require a yes or no answer, and the Records will not provide you with this information because you have free will! Therefore they don’t allow for much information to come through. Generally, the Records will channel through that you already know the answer to this! It’s best to stay away from these questions.

  • Stay away from ‘when’ questions. The Records will not give you the answer to a specific question that elicits a date response. The future can and will change. The Records exist to guide us towards our most authentic self and our soul purpose in this life. Therefore any timing questions need to be rephrased with this in mind. For example, ask yourself what question you can ask that could reassure you or give you clarity that relates to this concern in the present moment, such as: ‘How can I prepare for when this happens?’ etc.

  • How, What, Why questions are the best questions to ask. These allow for the most in-depth responses to come through and provide the most opportunities to receive action steps you can utilise in your daily life. Please note however that ‘what’ questions should NOT be highly specific when future-focused. This is because free will exists, and you must make your own decisions. The Pinnacle will not directly tell you what location to move to, what job to take, what person to choose etc. Their role is to support you as you make your own most aligned choices. They pave the way, but it is YOU that must make the choices and take the steps!

  • You can ask about anything. Such as your work life, health, relationships, money, growth, spirituality and so much more. I believe that the best questions/topics to ask about are the ones that refer to patterns in your life that you are finding it difficult to move beyond. These questions are ideal to ask during a reading because they will elicit a detailed response. There is always a reason why a pattern is recurring in our lives. The Records allow us to receive clarity as to where the root of these patterns lie, and how we can begin to heal them.

    Examples of great questions to ask include:

  • How can I change this?

  • What is the root cause of this?

  • How can I heal this wound?

  • What can I do to support my healing?

    Examples of what not to ask:

  • Yes/no questions – sometimes they will give an answer depending on the context, but often they will not.

  • Timeline questions – there are so many variable paths for you to receive a clear answer on this.

  • Questions regarding extreme specificities, such as ‘what city should I move to?’ or ‘what job should I do right now?’ I am not a psychic medium and can not channel information that is ‘future-focused’ in such particular ways. The Pinnacle is very firm on what they will share, and human free will is something that they will bring up and discuss if such a question is asked. It is much more beneficial to ask, ‘how can you guide me to clarity around where I should move?’ and ‘what can I do to align with my most aligned job at this moment?’ The Akashic Records are as much about taking action on the guidance given, as they are about receiving it. This type of reading does not involve easy answers when it comes to decisions that have not been made. They will always encourage free will, and can not ‘mess with the plan,’ by giving an answer that you yourself must discover. They lead you to this answer, but you must uncover it yourself so that you can take charge of your path moving forward.

  • Questions that require access to another person’s records. For example, if you ask the question “why is this person doing this?” I won’t be able to answer this specifically, but I can give guidance as to how to handle your own emotions, protect your energy, receive healing, and what actions you can take for your own highest good.

  • Questions related to a medical condition. I am not a medical doctor, so I cannot provide specific guidance or diagnosis in this way. However, I can provide energetic and spiritual healing alongside your medical intervention. I can also ask if there are any spiritual root causes, however, I can never guarantee a manifestation of physical healing.

  • Questions related to gestation/unborn babies. Your baby has their own soul which is still transitioning from the spiritual world to Earth, so I’m unable to access their records. I can however answer questions related to supporting you in your pregnancy in a spiritual manner.

Ebony’s final disclaimer: I do not class myself as a medium. Where medium’s channel to connect you with your loved ones that have passed, I channel to connect you with YOUR soul history and your path forward (though I do at times receive loved ones through the records - this is secondary. My readings are focused on you). You MUST enter an Akashic Records reading open to receive, let go of attachment to what you desire to receive, and any release any personal expectations. If you do work with me via a ‘main messages’ reading, be aware that I have no idea what areas/topics you wish to receive guidance on. If a topic you were hoping for guidance on does not come through in your reading, this is because the Pinnacle chose to focus elsewhere. You must ask for what you would like to receive via a question if this is the case, for I cannot know any of this without first being told (because I'm not a medium, hehe). I am a conduit for this guidance, and I do not share to simply give what is expected by any client on a personal level, but what is NEEDED on a soul level. This can be confronting at times, but this work is not meant to be an easy-breezy process. If difficult emotions arise and you are called to look inward, this is because the Pinnacle know you need to be directed to look deeper, or they simply would not bring up the information.


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Past lives & the Akashic Records.