Akashic Records FAQ

Almost everything you’re curious to know…

… but if you have a question I missed, send me a message here!

Will the Akashic Records tell me my future?

The Akashic Records will not tell your future. Since the future is not set in stone and you have free will choice, any mention or indication of your future will be possibilities that can assist you in choosing and creating your own future!

Will the Akashic Records tell me what choice I should make?

The Akashic Records will never directly tell you what to do, or what choice to make. However, they will provide with all the information, perspective and clarity that you need in order to make choices for your highest good.

Can you tell me about my past lives?

I receive a lot of information about past lives, specifically when there are lessons from that lifetime that your soul is continuing to experience. Past lives come up when the soul is meant to receive information that can assist in understanding energetically why they feel a certain way, and how they are still be energetically impacted in their present lifetime. The past life itself is always fascinating to learn about, but the focus here is on the pattern from that lifetime and how it can be healed in this one. Check out my post, Past lives and the Akashic Records for more information.

Who can I channel? Can I channel the Pinnacle also?

I channel the Pinnacle, a group of Pleiadian light beings, as well as your guides, higher self, angels and loved ones from this lifetime/past lifetimes. You can do all of the above also! This is your soul history, it's all available to YOU.

Do you read the Akashic Records of children?

The Akashic Records can not be accessed for anyone under the age of 18.

How do your readings work? Do you channel anything other than the Pinnacle?

I meditate and do a visualisation practice prior to opening the Records. Then I say the Prayer of the New World to enter, then I then begin to channel your questions. I channel the Pinnacle, a group of Pleiadian light beings, as well as your guides, higher self, angels and loved ones from this lifetime/past lifetimes. For more information, refer to my what are the Akashic Records? tab, which describes my full process.

Do I have to believe certain things to get an Akashic reading?

No! Your beliefs are yours and as long as you are open to this guidance, you do not need to believe anything specific. The records will typically share information with me that aligns with your personal beliefs.

What kind of questions are best to ask?

Refer to Preparing for an Akashic Records Reading - What should I ask?! for all the information.

What if I can’t figure out a question to ask about an issue in my life?

If you have a concern and you’re not sure what to ask, you are welcome to share what’s going on and I can help you create a question. This will most likely reveal the perfect question to ask.

What are your specific strengths/focus in your readings?

I tend to draw clients who have spiritual businesses of their own, or desire to find healing as they go through their own spiritual awakening.

What can I expect to feel after receiving my reading?

The effects after receiving your reading may be felt immediately and/or after days, weeks or even months after! As every reading is different, so too will be each person's experience. You may experience something very subtle and delayed, or extremely profound and immediate, or even both as there are so many other variations and levels of experience with the Records! You may feel it emotionally, physically, mentally - or all of the above. You can definitely expect to feel a shift, and that may manifest not only in feeling, thinking or acting differently, but also in what you no longer align with when it comes to thoughts, feelings and actions. By seeing your life from your soul's perspective, you will be removing layers of belief that are not you, and revealing your soul's true purpose and power!

Can I purchase a reading for someone other than myself?

Purchasing an Akashic Record reading for a loved one is a beautiful gift idea that is truly something they will always remember. However, there are a few conditions that must be met. Firstly, the person receiving the reading must give their consent and have full knowledge of what an Akashic Records reading is. They must also formulate their own questions. One way that this works very well is for the person gifting the reading to first find out if the recipient would be comfortable and interested in a reading, and if they are, purchase the reading for them. When booking, a text box comes up where you would usually list the questions you’d like answered. In this box, instead let me know this is a gifted reading. Then send the recipient my email address: contactyoursoulshome@gmail.com, and ask them to send me their questions at least 24 hours prior to their reading timeframe. If they have any further questions about the Records or how my process works, they can always read through my FAQ’s and/or Testimonials. A good way to explain my readings is to say that they are similar to psychic readings, but for the purpose of discovering more about their own soul and its history, as opposed to connecting with loved ones that have passed (though this does sometimes happen too!) Feel free to contact me if you have any further queries.

Can anyone read the Akashic Records for themselves or others?

Yes! Your Akashic Record is your soul history, so you can 100% access it. One way that you can access the Records is by using Linda Howes Prayer, which can be accessed via Google. It takes a different amount of time for everyone to do so, as we all learn and receive messages differently and developing this level of trust takes deep surrender. I also believe everyone has the ability to read for others, it just takes time to develop this skill! In both cases, it is about learning to trust yourself/your intuition and your own gifts (clairaudience, clairsentience etc).

How do I find out how I receive my own messages? (In the Records, or in day to day life).

Practice. Trust. Develop and deepen your intuition. You can do the latter by surrendering in stillness through meditation and mindfulness so that you may receive, as well as by practising opening your Records and receiving your messages in different ways (writing, speaking out loud, in your mind in silent meditation). See what feels the easiest and most right to you. You truly need to trust everything you receive, take action on your messages, and record them so that you can look back and see how accurate your guidance has been! You can ask to receive a certain sign, animal, number, tarot card etc, and as you develop your intuition, you'll begin to notice it appearing in your reality more and more.


Preparing for an Akashic Records Reading - What should I ask?!