Past lives & the Akashic Records.

Our past lives play a profound role in supporting us in understanding our present life.

You know those recurring patterns & uncomfortable fears that affect you in your daily life? Well, more often than not, they ain’t new!

So many of these patterns and fears are cords we have carried with us for many lifetimes; they are energetic links to our past. These cords are usually either from a past life, or have been past down from our ancestors at the DNA level. Or sometimes both!

The Akashic Records is transformative for those who are looking to understand these imbalances. Our fears manifest in our physical bodies as emotions, but at the root, they are energetic vibrations. When living in the vibration of fear, it is almost energetically impossible to live in the ‘highest’ vibration of love.

Connecting to the Pleiadian collective, as well as our spirit guides, loved ones and teachers in the Records, allows us to get to the specific root of these imbalances, and to more importantly, heal them! By asking questions that specifically address your low vibration patterns and fears, you can gain great clarity and insight into their source. The Records allow us to view our fears with this pure love, and to see them for what they really are; energy.

Remember: knowledge is power, and understanding the ‘why’ is truly transformative. It means we can let go of the wondering and the seeking, and embrace the complex beings that we really are. What comes up within us does so in order to be moved through. It is all so very meaningful. It allows your soul to heal. To up-level. To quite literally evolve. What you heal in this life has been a long time coming. Trust yourself. Allow yourself to feel it all, and be patient!

In understanding that fear is simply a vibration we are carrying, we can stop associating with it as ‘part of us’ or ‘something simply have to live with.’ This information brings greater acceptance to the parts of us we think are ‘wrong’ or ‘damaged.’ You are literally an old soul, you have been through some tough stuff! Your self-awareness has led you here; the first step has been taken.

So, are you ready to transmute those fears?


Preparing for an Akashic Records Reading - What should I ask?!