This experience includes:
Fortnightly written Akashic readings (x4) for the group’s energy, sent straight to your inbox. We go deep! This includes ‘next steps’ (channeled practices, prompts, actionable steps) to support integration.
Weekly remote energy healings (x8)
A supportive Whatsapp group chat where all questions are welcomed and all can share openly. This also includes 1-1 contact with me as often as needed via emails/DM’s etc. You are my priority over this period of time.
Personal Astrogeography PDF with discussion of the energy of a location of your choice (this includes 15 pages of Astrogeography basics that set you up to explore your own chart!)
Fortnightly Zoom calls to connect face to face for Q&A time & to share whats coming up for you.
A 22% discount code off my website offerings to work with me 1-1 post experience if you are called to connect in this way.